Looking for a dentist in Rome who speaks English?
We are an English Speaking Dental Practice in Rome and we put together the 40 years experience in Dental Medicine of Doctor Vincenzo Dattilo with the newest technology, laser therapy ad dentistry for kids used by Vanessa Dattilo.
Just give us a call at 06.66151301 or send us an email at info@studioodontoiatricodattilo.it so we can organize an appointment and see your needs.
During the appointment we will explain different options available to you - with their advantages and drawbacks. Usually we will follow this up with a written report and treatment plan for you to consider.
At the first visit, if needed we can do Xrays with the newest technology and less radiation, also 3D.
Feel free to ask prices for all of our specialization : from Cosmetic Dentistry to Laser to Whitening , from Root Canal to Crown..